Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cake Personality Test

Pick your cake, and then look to see. Take this Cake Personality Test
If you were buying a cake and you had your choice of the following, which would you choose?

* Angel food
* Brownies
* Lemon Meringue
* Vanilla with Chocolate Icing
* Strawberry Cheese Cake
* Chocolate on Chocolate
* Ice Cream
* Carrot Cake

I choose Brownies

Now that you've made your choice, this is what research says about you

Brownies . You are adventurous, love new ideas, are a champion of Underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up, you whip out your sabre. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend to be very loyal.


HeavenLeigh Ann said...

Cake pun boleh jadikan personality test jugak ker....

mUzLiA said...

kakak...kt ne nk wat test nieh?